*WARNING:* You may be offended by what you are about to read, just keep in mind it's my opinion and if you are indeed
offended, I could care less...just kidding...don't worry...it's just my opinion and trust me, it really doesn't amount to
*:When people are nice to you to your face but are complete @$$holes behind your back
*:When people take their time when they know you're in a hurry
*:Fake tans
*:When people make tapping/clicking noises that distract you
*:When people hate you for no apparent reason
*:When people judge
*:When people are hypocrits
*:When people are fake
*:When people laugh at their own jokes and they're not funny
*:When people strive to be the center of attention
*:When people are immature
*:When people burp/fart and don't say excuse me
*:When people intentionally ignore you and make it obvious
*:When people gang up on someone less fortunate than them
*:When people talk about something they know absolutely nothing about
*:When people say they hate sympathy, yet tell their "sob stories" to the whole world
*:When people call my house asking for someone else who doesn't live here
*:When the internet is on 24/7
*:When politicians do stupid things
*:People who are rude to you for no apparent reason
*:When people tell me what to do (unless it's work/school related)
*:When people drink irresponsibly
*:Being too hot
*:The color green (it makes me cringe)
*:Racist people (What the fuck is your problem...seriously? Trust me, it's a lot easier to love a black man than
it is to love a white man lol..I'm so funny..j/k)
*:When innocent people are found guilty
*:The electoral voting system
*:President Bush
*:People with too much attitude or no attitude at all
*:Teachers that speak in monotone
*:Teachers that are way too defensive
*:When people don't trust based on bad judgement
*:Bright lights
*:People who only listen to their side of the story
*:People who don't know how or when to shut up
*:People who hang on your boyfriend when you're right there
*:The fact that all of these things piss me off pisses me off
*:The devil..who needs him, anyways?
*:Rumors that are so ridiculously un-true that people are stupid if they believe them, but they do anyways
*:When people judge you off of someone elses' information
*:When people critique me (I know I'm not perfect and trust me, I know when I'm doing something wrong so lay off)
*:When people can't accept the fact that people change
*:When people change their minds spuratically (I can't spell when I'm pissed..leave me alone)
*:When people use big words as if they're impressing someone, but they don't know the definition themselves
*:When people ask you "What's wrong" and you say "Nothing" even though it's obvious there is something wrong, but then
they keep asking you "What's wrong" and they don't get the hint you don't want to talk about it
*:When people don't flush toilets..that's just freaking nasty..examine your own poop, don't make someone else do it
*:Looking at pictures of myself
*:Having little or no money
*:When people talk calmly when they're angry...that's just a bunch of bull shit...you shouldn't use self control when
you're angry because then all sorts of shit haunts you inside..just freaking yell
*:When people don't say how they feel because they don't think they know how they feel
*:The fact that sometimes if God gave me a choice to be dead or alive, somedays I would choose to be dead because of
a certain group of people...I hate when people get to me like that because I'm never usually like that...I'm just like I don't
care what you think but...grr...okay..getting pissed...next subject!
*:The color orange..that color makes me cringe, too
*:When people say their poop doesn't smell..that's not possible you dirty bastards!